
My name is Dillon Forsberg. Along with my wife and our three cats, I live in the beautiful Canadian prairie city of Regina, Saskatchewan, which is located on the unceded Treaty 4 territory.

There isn't a moment when there isn't something on my mind and this blog is one method I use to attempt to release these thoughts in a constructive manner. I am a strong believer in free expression, which is a right that was designed for those who disagree - and I disagree with a lot of things. Especially when things are clearly bullshit.

“Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence.” - Christopher Hitchens

I also strongly believe in both social and economic equity and justice, and am fiercely opposed to fascism. I believe that the commodification of every aspect of our lives and the focus on "pull-yourself up by the bootstraps" individualism is making life less meaningful and more isolating on an individual level and less democratic and more divisive on the community level.

The power that drives our society is in the hands of a small group of immorally-rich elites that rule from above with the help of pro-corporate, anti-worker politicians. Small, token improvements, are sometimes made but as more and more jobs are being off-shored or automated, things like poverty, hunger, homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, suicides, and worse of all, genocide, are continuing to occur and, in many cases, are getting worse.

We live in a time of immense but highly-concentrated wealth in Canada and globally, most of it created by the exploitation of workers and the ecosystems we rely on, both here at home and in the countries our factories moved to and where we extract resources from. Allowing suffering and waste to continue is a choice we make as a society and it doesn't have to be this way.

“This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Solving these and other significant problems can more effectively be done when we do so collectively with broad, universal economic policies, and when we have a true democracy - where the economy and society works to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. I believe this goal can only be achieved with radical, evidence-based, institutional change driven from the grassroots level, with a focus on class politics instead of culture wars which seeks to divide us and benefit traditional power structures.

Compromise, reformism, moderation, incrementalism, personal responsibility, and especially the free market are not going to be enough to save our ecosystems and human lives from worsening climate change, increasing socioeconomic inequality, and growing fascism which is taking advantage of the growing discontent in the working class.

“All opposition to fascism is, by default, self-defence, and the morally right thing to do.” - JT from Second Thought

I am someone who escaped a chaotic and impoverished childhood not because of capitalism, but in spite of it. So that no one has to go through what I have, I have vowed to do everything in my power to end the exploitation and oppression of my fellow humans, whether it is from employers, corporations, organized religion and other cults, the police, government, or other individuals. I refuse to coldly sit by and be a party to suffering.

“When the rich are too rich there are ways, and when the poor are too poor there are ways... and that way will come soon.” - The Good Earth, Pearl S. Buck 1931

Contact me

You may send me an email to dillon@dillonforsberg.com. I do not respond to any kind of solicitation.

For work, I am a software developer. You can check out my GitHub here.

About my logo

See that tree logo in the website header? That is Yggdrasil. I came across this logo when I was looking for ideas for tattoos one day while working out at the gym (some of my best and worst ideas come to me while I’m lifting). Having Swedish and Norwegian ancestry, I was looking for something to honour these cultures when I came across this beautiful piece of art. Beyond being aesthetically pleasing (I do love trees), what Yggdrasil represents for me is strength, wisdom and perseverance. It also represents a shared connection with all of humanity and the world, which is pretty close to what Norse mythology believes about it. These are all characteristics that I hold true for myself. Maybe one day I will get the tattoo, but for now, it’ll remain as just pixels on your screen.

This is my personal blog, and its content and opinions represent no one but myself.