Corporate media continues to censor Israel's apartheid

— 3 minute read

A Palestinian-American congresswoman has recently come under pressure from all sides of the political spectrum and from corporate media for correctly pointing out that one cannot call themselves a progressive, while also not recognizing Israel's apartheid and treatment of Palestinians. The US congresswoman, Rashida Talib, is in fact banned by Israel from visiting her family in Israeli-occupied Palestine, while any person with Jewish grandparents, regardless of their birthplace, is free to live in Israel, including on land taken away from Palestinians. We cannot live in a world where it is considered racist, or in this case, antisemitism, to call out this kind of nationalism bordering on fascism.

Now, as a white Canadian with no Jewish heritage, to even call this out I am sure some will be putting labels on me. However, I believe I have been consistent on my calling out of abuses of power from any institution, particularly from governments, including my own, the United States, Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia, to name a few. If that is not enough, consider Katie Halper, an American-Jewish writer and podcaster who recently recorded a monologue for a show she has been on for three years, discussing this very topic. The clip was immediately prevented from being aired and after pleading with the decision-makers for the so-called independent media show Rising, Halper was relieved of her duties.

These egregious abuses of power are not only threats to the lives of Palestinians, but are threats to the lively-hoods of those who seek to bring truth to power, in an effort to end suffering at the hands of the powerful and create a better world for every human. This shows just how important journalism and truth-seeking is in holding these powerful forces accountable. Democracy requires fearless reporting and I suggest everyone who wishes to be part of a democracy and who claims to be empathetic of others to carefully and intentionally consume and support voices like Katie Halper's. It is going to take an enormous collective effort to put an end to the authoritarianism that is spreading across the world.

For more on this story, you can watch Ryan Grimm's coverage from his show Counter Points, below. Following that, I have posted Katie Halper's monologue that was censored by the Hill.

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