My political ideology summed up by one tweet

— 2 minute read

Because I am all about getting straight to the point (or at least I attempt to) I thought I would share a tweet I discovered today that describes my entire political ideology. I hope this also challenges the beliefs of some of you who would like to consider themselves progressive.

With a growing far-right movement, in America, Canada, and across the Western world, who would love to take advantage of widespread discontent with the failures of our institutions, and who seeks to reverse the course of our society into the opposite, backwards, direction, I believe radical progress is the only way forward. I truly believe that moderation and reform will be our current society's doom, and there is plenty of evidence to support that.

I am told by some that I worry too much. Well, I counter that by saying not enough people worry enough. But simply worrying without taking action is a futile activity. Which is why I fight and direct my anger towards those in power who are overseeing the destruction of our democracies and our Earth right before our eyes. I welcome you to join me in putting an end to this. Whatever it takes.

Anyways, the tweet:

How progress really happens
Credit: Maria Supplisson
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