Saskatchewan had the second lowest provincial growth over the last 5 years

— 2 minute read

One of the things the Sask Party likes to use as evidence of their "superior" governing skills for my province of Saskatchewan, was the relatively high population growth we had beginning in 2006, after many years of stagnancy. Well, it looks like our province is heading back to mediocrity, at least by the Sask Party's own definition.

Population Growth in Canada
Credit: Satistics Canada

To me, this looks like further evidence that Brad Wall and the Sask Party lucked their way into their roles and just happened to first form government in 2007, during a commodity boom which are always directed by global forces. Though by the looks of our drained savings and our increasing debt after the lowering of taxes for corporations and the wealthy during the boom, you wouldn't be able to tell that we were once flush with cash from record high global prices of oil and potash.

How much more evidence do we need to prove that it is time for the Sask Party to be held accountable for their absolute disastrous handling of our province's finances, this pandemic, and our future viability? They need to go before they destroy our province for good.

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