Shares of the week

— 4 minute read

Careful mate, that foreigner wants your cookie, says the hoarder of cookies
Credit: unknown/Reddit

Progress in Progress

Canada Is Allowing People With Depression to Do Psychedelic Mushrooms - Psilocybin should have been legalized yesterday. The potential it has to help with not only depression but with addiction and other mental illnesses is enormous.

Broke your smartphone? 'Right to repair' rules just took another step forward - Europe is leading the way in holding manufacturers accountable for their often wasteful and anti-consumer practices that see many of their products designed to be irreparable.

Universal child care would generate up to $29 billion a year in tax revenues, new report says - Capitalism is a family needing two high-paying workers to be able to afford to have kids. I’m a 36-year old in a household making more than double the Canadian median per year and the thought of having kids has even myself wondering if I will ever be able to pay off my student loans while doing all the things a middle class couple is “supposed to do” to contribute to the economy. I can only imagine what an under-skilled couple making minimum wage is going through, not to mention the awful situation single parents, and especially women, are in.

The Regina Manifesto and the Origins of Canada’s Parliamentary Socialists - The social and economic conditions that led to workers, farmers, academics, and religious leaders coming together to form the CCF, the precursor to the NDP, in Calgary in 1932 are strikingly similar to what we are now facing today. In order to have a society and an economy for the needs of people instead of one made for profit-making, we don’t just need a similar response today - we need a stronger one. One that doesn’t eventually give way to the neo-liberalism that got us here in the first place.

The COVID Corner

Sask. has ignored good evidence for slowing the spread of COVID-19, which could be catastrophic - The Sask Party is an anti-science party. A political party that chooses short-term profits over saving lives. A political party that has officially given up on leading.

Here is why we don’t have vaccine production capacity in Canada - There has been a lot of accusations hurled at the Liberal federal government from the Conservatives about our lack of ability to manufacture vaccines domestically. As per usual, we find that this is typical projection coming from the right, who either has severe memory loss, or they hope the rest of us do.

Sobeys brings back hero pay for grocery workers in lockdown areas - This is absolute horseshit and is clearly only meant for PR. Sobeys does not care about their workers, otherwise they would pay them a livable wage, whether there’s a pandemic or not. Up to $100 more per week is not going to do it.

The National Post pulled a story that falsely claimed ‘more than 800,000 ineligible people received CERB - Post Media’s shameless-shift even further to the right was in full view last week with a story in the National Post that was so full of shit that they were forced to completely remove it. It continues to be seen if their goal of smearing a government program that helped keep the Canadian economy afloat was successful but it is a little more obvious that a government program that aims to keep Canadian media afloat is not working as intended.

The Forgotten Working Class

How do we avoid future authoritarians? Winning back the working class is key - Losing the working class to a competent right-wing authoritarian would spell disaster for humanity and the planet. The left needs to get better at messaging to overcome the deception coming from the right, as Bernie Sanders explains in his opinion piece.

The Class War at Walmart - Companies like Walmart and McDonald's could pay their employees more than they do but instead, they let taxpayers top up their poverty-level wages.

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