Shares of the week

— 3 minute read

Small victories
Credit: shitty watercolour

Oh, Canada

Canada Has Reserved More Vaccine Doses Per Person Than Anywhere - Despite the disingenuous attacks from the Conservatives, Canada is on track to receive more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine than any other nation on earth. As we continue to suffer through the second wave, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Shortcuts Podcast #288 - A Working Class Hero Is Something To BBQ (43:26) - Jesse Brown is joined by Fatima Syed to discuss the supposedly-working-class BBQ restaurant in Ontario that has been making the news recently while most restaurants in this country are struggling through this pandemic. They also talk about a Global News host who had to quit her job because of threats made to her and her baby.

Canadian families to pay hundreds more a year for groceries in 2021: report - It is remarkable how comfortable it seems Canadians are with being taken advantage of by the nation's wealthy grocery chains but here we are with yet another warning of above-inflation food price increases.

Where you live is who you are: Erin O'Toole and the new culture war - Canada is becoming more and more divided. So what is Conservative leader O’Toole’s solution? Is it to pivot to unite working Canadians against the consolidating capitalist class? Nah, of course he chooses to divide Canadians even further.

Why we need anti-scab legislation - Simply put, scabs undermine workers’ right to strike and they need to be banned.

Billionaires Gone Wild

Elon Musk's Totally Awful, Batshit-Crazy, Completely Bonkers, Most Excellent Year - Elon Musk is a genius, there is no doubt about that. The problem is, he is still human and susceptible to the flaws that come with being one. His actions over the past year has exposed just how true this is.

The Failed War on Drugs

U.N. Reclassifies Cannabis as a Less Dangerous Drug - The fact that entire nations were OK with pretending cannabis was harmful shows you everything you need to know about people in power. The lies and hypocrisy behind cannabis prohibition is what started me on my journey of radicalization against authoritarian bullshit.

Cannot Say I Did Nazi This Coming

A scientist who exposed Florida's alleged cover-up of COVID numbers recently had her house raided by police with guns, as shown on a camera in her house, in yet another example of fascism taking root in the United States:

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