We could all use a little change in 2021
Credit: scarecrowbar

Taking a Stand: On Ice

By Taking a Stand Against Billionaires, Hockey Players Did Us All a Favor - NHL players continue to set an example for the kind of gains that can be made by challenging the rich owners you work for.

The Spy Who Poisoned My Underpants

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny dupes spy into revealing how he was poisoned - As if 2020 couldn’t be any more ridiculous, here’s a story that would be difficult even for someone in Hollywood to invent. The video of the Russian opposition leader speaking to his own attempted-assassin is as thrilling as it is surreal:

Climate Change Action

The federal climate plan provides the clarity that Canada’s economy needs - The ambitious climate change goals set by the federal government will provide Canada some stability in a very unstable future, even for our oil and gas industry. We must go a step further, however, and apply carbon price adjustments at the border, to ensure Canadian businesses aren’t unfairly competing against global companies that continue to pollute freely.

Government, Incorporated

Provinces that acted faster had more success limiting spread of COVID-19, data shows - When the Sask Party government chose to not have stricter measures to clamp down on COVID-19 in the fall, it wasn’t just a shortsighted mistake that costed many people their life - it was an intentional disregard for science, common sense, and human lives in order to keep the economy open and their friends' profits flowing.

By Voting Against a Wealth Tax, Canada’s Politicians Have Shown Who They Really Work For - We Canadians like to turn our noses up at our supposedly-less-progressive neighbours to the south. The fact is, like America, Canada is a very attractive place for the wealthy. Both Liberal and Conservative federal governments alike have allowed socioeonomic inequality to grow in Canada by failing to implement any serious policy to fight it, most recently failing to vote for a wealth tax, despite a vast majority of Canadians supporting one. If we want to heal our country from this pandemic and reverse growing inequality, Canadians need to elect a government that works for Canadians, instead of just the wealthy.

3 Embarrassing Numbers That Show How Jason Kenney’s ‘Energy War Room’ Wasted Millions of Tax Dollars in 2020 - When it comes to being a conservative today, the only driving force behind their ideology is “will this hurt my opponent.” Premier Jason Kenney pulls no punches, no matter how much money it costs the people of economically-battered Alberta. Today's right is only conservative by name.

'Pathetic': Congress Passes Covid Relief Bill With Billions in Gifts for the Wealthy, $600 Checks for the Working Class - The richest country in the history of humanity finally passed a second pandemic stimulus bill. The problem is, the most that an average American will get is enough to pay for maybe half of one month’s rent while in typical American-plutocratic fashion, those who already have the means get much, much more

Fascism in Fashion

Right-Wing Embrace Of Conspiracy Is 'Mass Radicalization,' Experts Warn - Yet another article about the concerning radicalization of people to the far-right and yet another article that suggests everything but capitalism as a cause. The article comes close, however, by pointing out the better marketability of far-right ideas vs those on the far-left

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