Shares of the week

— 3 minute read

The Generation Gap
Credit: Reddit/Unknown

Red and White Lobster

‘The RCMP just stood there’: Attack on Mi’kmaq fishery sparks tense standoff, condemnation - This deeply troubling story about commercial fishermen in Nova Scotia and their racist, violent attacks on the Mi'kmaq is quickly developing despite inattention being paid to it by the RCMP, politicians and the media. Since this story was published, things have escalated.

The Destructive Powers of Amazon

Hidden cameras and secret trackers reveal where Amazon returns end up - Amazon has done so well to destroy local small businesses and workers' rights that it just had to move on to destroying the planet and our finite resources.

It’s a Prime Day for Resistance To Amazon’s Ruthless Exploitation of Its Workers - Another Amazon Prime Day has passed but the fight to win rights for exploited workers and the environment continues on.

Building Back Better

Pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to see how things could be different - As long as we have an economy that requires people to spend money or else it collapses, we need to get money into the hands of people who have less and less of it each day.

How Unions Can Lay the Ground for the Next Upsurge - Workers rights have been eroding for decades and is only getting worse thanks to this pandemic. In order to change the tide, workers are going to have to capture the moment and do everything and anything they can, as this article explains.


Oil is crashing, again. And this time it won’t recover. We can’t let the oil lobby bring Canada down with it. - People don’t want to hear it but the oil boom isn’t coming back. Ever. The longer we delay transitioning our country and our communities away from oil dependence, the more suffering will be had by workers and their families, as this article explains.

Extent of contamination from former Regina refinery site still unknown 45 years after shutdown - Some people in Canada are willing to offer corporate welfare to highly-profitable fossil fuel companies, including allowing them to avoid the responsibility of cleaning up after their toxic messes. I’d rather our communities have some dignity and hold these companies accountable for the long-term costs they are offloading on to each and every one of us. This story details how Imperial Oil (Exxon) abandoned their refinery in northeast Regina decades ago, likely leaving it highly-contaminated, as it sits on top of the city’s emergency water source and with businesses including the Food Bank and a daycare still operating there.

Neoliberal Hall of Fame

Krystal & Saagar: Mark Cuban DISMISSES Ethnic Cleansing ‘China's A Customer, I'm Ok Doing Business’ - Mark Cuban is yet another hypocritical, rich asshole who supports social justice causes only when it is convenient for their bank account.

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