Shares of the Week: Feudalism Is Back On The Table Edition

— 3 minute read

Kill Yourself
Credit: Soupcat Comics

Number of Alberta tech companies has more than doubled since 2018 - It’s not all doom and gloom in Alberta. Tech is one of the industries that their provincial government should be going after to secure their post-oil-dependence—as they once did for a short period of time thanks to the former NDP government, until Jason Kenney and the UCP suspended it.

Ottawa targets tax evaders with public registry of corporate owners - This is a good start in holding corporations and their owners accountable and making it slightly harder for them to manipulate the system to escape from their responsibilities to a society that helped enrich them in the first place.

Exploiting vulnerabilities in Cellebrite UFED and Physical Analyzer from an app's perspective - This is a tale from the CEO of Signal about the hacking of a smartphone hacking tool, as he exposes just how amateur, insecure, and possibly-illegal the 'digital intelligence' software is.

NDP urges Sask. government to snap up Ottawa's childcare dollars - The Canadian federal government is finally moving to provide much needed support for parents, and in particular, women, who would be the biggest benefactors of affordable childcare. Now leave it to Scott Moe and the Sask Party and other conservative provincial governments to screw this up, not because it’s not a great idea for society and the economy, but because it’s an idea from their 'enemies.'

CANADALAND #365 - An App For Landlords To Blacklist Tenants Podcast - People’s fundamental need for housing is being exploited for immense profits thanks to a lack of protections for things that should clearly be illegal today.

The erosion of personal ownership - This is the end game of capitalism—to force us all to rent every aspect of our lives from housing to entertainment to appliances to farm equipment, making us dependent on our corporate overlords as they profit from our mere existence. How could anyone find this techno-dystopian, rent-seeking way of life where we cede our autonomy and most of our personal property in any way attractive?

It’s Not Just Young White Liberals Who Are Leaving Religion - As the group of nones continue to grow, it makes it easier for others to leave their religion, which in turn will cause the nones to grow even more. This is a big win for a more inclusive, open-minded, and critical-thinking society.

Personal Growth
Credit: scarecrowbar
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