That's Just Nucking Futs
Credit: Unknown/Reddit

The City That Rhymes With Fun

How I Would Revive Regina's Tourism Industry - There is a lot to do in my small home city. A woefully-underfunded tourism department just forces us to work harder to find those attractions. Here is how one Reginan would run such a department in a post-pandemic world.

Empowering Women

The Socialist Origins of International Women’s Day - “From the beginning, International Women's Day has been an occasion to celebrate working women and fight capitalism.”

The Great White North

Trudeau clarifies that Saudi Arabia isn’t an ally, just an acquaintance we sell a fuckton of weapons to Satire - Promoting human rights costs so much, so why try at all?

338Canada: O'Toole's numbers sour - The Conservative’s only chance at ever forming government again is to shed its socially-conservative base and offer ideas that are relevant to Canadians. Justin Trudeau is a known commodity now and running on “Trudeau is bad” is not going to win you anything.

Long Term Profits

Long-term care nurse fired for saying ‘union’ - Canadians live in a country where it is OK to fire someone for merely contemplating their right to unionize. Considering that long term care homes were some of the worst hit workplaces during this ongoing pandemic, unionization should be the last thing their private owners should be terrified about.

For-profit nursing homes in Ontario say ownership has nothing to do with their higher COVID-19 death rates. A Star analysis finds that’s not the case - For the past few decades, we have been told that the for-profit motive would provide better service than any public institution could. That was always a lie, and this in-depth analysis provides some evidence to the unneeded cruelty that the privatization of essential public services has resulted in.

The Future Isn't Friendly

Food Prices Are Soaring Faster Than Inflation and Incomes - It cannot be good for any economy for increases of food prices to so far outpace that of incomes. It means less money is available to be spent on other goods and services, which is needed to keep our consumption-based economy growing. Either people need more money in their hands or we need to fundamentally change the nature of our society that is causing the cost of essential human needs to soar. The cost of doing nothing will be far, far greater.

The Utopian Promise of Self-Checkout Machines - The goal of a fully-automated society should be to reduce suffering and make life better for everyone, including the people who’s jobs are made obsolete. Otherwise what is the point of all this?

Exploiting Workers

Kyrsten Sinema voting to deny people a living wage
Credit: Ben Garrison

Kyrsten Sinema Knocked by Ohio Democrat Nina Turner: 'Denying Women a Living Wage Is Sexist' - Oh the irony of the Arizona senator calling those who criticize her for voting against raising the minimum wage ‘sexist’ when 2/3rds of minimum wage earners in America are women, 80% are adults, and a quarter are women of colour. The women of Arizona and America deserve better than Kyrsten Sinema.

McDonald’s Secretive Intel Team Spies on ‘Fight for $15’ Workers, Internal Documents Show - Giant, billion dollar corporations are so concerned that they might have to pay their employees a living wage that they are willing to go to great lengths to spy on their organizing activities. If corporations are so confident in their abilities to organize capital, why are they so scared to share a little more of their profits with the workers that actually create that value?

Amazon’s Anti-Union Activities Should All Be Illegal - A sports team doesn’t get to choose its opponent’s roster so why do the bosses of a corporation, which already has a considerable advantage over its workers, get any say in which of its workers are needed to certify a union? Corporations have both a legal and a moral responsibility to allow their workers the unimpeded right to unionize. To not do so should bring considerable penalties from government and shame from the general public.

The Police State

Alberta MLA was monitored by 5 different police officers, documents show - The left continues to be treated as a threat while the white nationalist problem grows unabated in Canada. How much more evidence do we need to prove that police departments serve the interests of capital and traditional power structures, and not that of the public who pays their wages?

Climbing the socioeconomic ladder as a minority
Credit: Keith Knight
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