Shares of the week: Nazi-hunting edition

— 4 minute read

A Well ORCAstrated Plan
Credit: Arcade Rage

Empowering People

Wikipedia celebrates 20 years of free, trusted information for the world - I am obsessed with learning about everything, so I have been using Wikipedia since close to its beginning. There’s nothing much like spending an entire night going down the Wikipedia rabbit hole on a binge of knowledge.

Amazon Warehouse Workers To Decide Whether To Form Company's 1st U.S. Union - If this goes through, it would be great news for not only Amazon workers but for all workers. When unions are strong, wages go up for everyone. This trickle-up would be a boon for the economy, despite capitalist fear-mongering.

The Spy Who Poisoned my Underpants

Alexei Navalny: Poisoned Putin critic Navalny to be kept in custody - It’s unsurprising that Russia would immediately arrest Navanly upon his return and he was prepared for it himself. No matter what happens to him, the world must not forget his efforts in fighting against the crooks and thieves currently running his country.

Fascism in Fashion

Hunting Nazis Online Before It Was Cool - Jesse Brown of Canadaland speaks to a high school teacher who began hunting Nazis when he was still in school himself at the University of Regina at the turn of the millennium. He explains his motivations and shares what he is currently working on, including tracking down the Canadian-flag wearing Capitol insurrectionist.

Making Sense Podcast #230 - An Insurrection of Lies - I don’t completely agree with Sam Harris on his stance about the BLM protests but at least he has finally accepted the white supremacy behind Trumpism in this short podcast that has him warning us of two important misconceptions about the siege on the Capitol.

Cleaning Out the Trash
Credit: Reddit/unknown

WATCH: 'Kill him with his own gun': DC cops injured in Capitol riot share their stories - If you still aren’t convinced about the seriousness of the Capitol insurrection, please read some of the recounts from the Capitol police who were on duty that day. It is surprising more of them did not die from the actions of the domestic terrorists in their siege but many officers will be left with lasting physical and psychological damage. Blue Lives Matter was always bullshit.

The Capitol Attack Doesn’t Justify Expanding Surveillance - The weak police response to the Capitol insurrection was due to an institutional failure, not an intelligence one. Doubling down on the surveillance state that failed to stop the Capitol insurrection will not make America more safe. Failing to address the systemic issues that allowed these attacks to happen will all but guarantee a repeat of what we all witnessed that day.

Corporate Irresponsibility

Why “Everybody Should Be Deeply Skeptical” of Corporate America’s Turn Against Trump - Corporations that netted billions of dollars thanks to Trump’s massive tax cuts for the privileged should not receive any sort of congratulations for dumping the twice-impeached American president and his Republican sycophants. Corporations only have one driver: profit. It’s only a coincidence that dumping inciters and enablers of white supremacy is also the ethical thing to do. Too little, too late.

Don’t Break Up Facebook — Make It a Public Utility - Social media is the new town square. The problem is, digital town squares around the world are owned by a handful of powerful tech monopolies, with the conversation being driven by centralized algorithms focused on maximizing profits, resulting in worsening division and economic inequality, threatening democracy worldwide. It’s time we turn this around and return our town squares back to the people. Simply breaking these companies up is not enough.

Pipe Dreams

Kenney, Moe condemn Biden’s plan to scrap Keystone XL on Day 1 of presidency - Pursuing the interests of your province is one thing, but arrogantly ignoring reality is another. And the reality is, betting everything on oil when America has plenty of their own and the rest of the world is trying to burn less of it, is not how one pursues the interests of their province.

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