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Credit: Erinnske Comics

25 corporations marking Pride donated over $10m to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians – study - There is only one thing that drives a corporation to proclaim their allegiance to a social justice campaign: profit. It’s why they also support contradictory causes and only support social justice in countries where they will not offend some draconian cultural norms. How brave.
Bonus: Woke Inc. celebrates Pride Month — but not in the Middle East

Homophobic incident at Saskatoon rainbow crosswalk shows need for Pride, says transgender man - I have been asked on more than one occasion why we need to celebrate gender and sexual inclusivity. This is one of the many reasons why.

“Tax the Rich” Gains Momentum After Explosive Report on Billionaire Tax Dodging - For every tax dollar avoided, dodged, or stored offshore using some convoluted loophole they paid to provide them is a dollar taken from those of us who pay far more of our incomes in taxes than they do. It’s time to stop subsidizing the rich and make them pay what they owe. If working hard is supposed to be the ticket to success, then why is labour taxed more than wealth?
Bonus: FBI to probe billionaire IRS leak that revealed Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos paid little to federal tax - The United State government: Of the bought; for the rich.

VIDEO: Whales appear during Indigenous ceremony for 215 children in Campbell River - A beautiful, yet bittersweet moment for a group of mourners of the recent Kamloops residential school grave discovery.

B.C. defers old-growth logging in Fairy Creek and Central Walbran upon First Nations’ request - This particular battle ended in a stalemate but the war against the destruction of our country’s most precious ecosystems continues on.

From Kamloops To London, Canada Is A Deeply Racist Country - Canada was founded and is built on imperialism, violence, and systemic racism. This is our legacy and it is our present reality. We must accept this inconvenient truth and radically change how our institutions operate before we can claim we are anything but.

Class Struggle Built the Welfare State - The welfare state came about from confrontation and class struggle, not through patient compromise. As soon as moderation settled in, the power of the labour movement fizzled, neoliberalism took over, and things started to get very bad for workers and their families. Reversing this trend and taking back power will involve a real fight.

US and Japan leave G7 stuck on coal - Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are just the slightly more minority-friendly but still entirely pro-corporate, profits-above-all, fuck-the-environment, and fuck-your-future version of the Republican Party. Neither party represents the interests of Americans.

Trudeau's Bizarre G7 Statement Hints At The Emptiness Of Their "Big" Announcement YouTube - Here is more evidence of the great lie that Canada is some great, progressive nation, this time about refusing to suspend Covid-19 vaccine IP rights.

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