Shares of the Week: The Dark Side of the Woke Media Edition

— 3 minute read

The Dark Side of Fitness Culture - I have my own reasons to be obsessive about fitness and part of it could be cultural pressures, but I will never understand the kind of pressure that society puts on women to constantly obsess about their own image. It’s an effective way to divide people and to sabotage any kind of solidarity that would be needed to win more rights in what is still a very patriarchal world.

“Dog Killed, Man Dead”: Global News’ Language For Police Shootings - It is incredibly irresponsible of the media to continue to use unnecessarily-passive language in an effort to appear unbiased, which effectively enables the government’s own avoidance of accountability.

The Teamsters Announce Coordinated Nationwide Project to Unionize Amazon America - After workers at the Amazon warehouse in Alabama were unable to win the extremely one-sided battle against the giant corporation, the war against exploitation continues on. This new, broader strategy could have much better results for workers fighting for what they are deserved.

Outrage at ProPublica Tax Leaks Underscores Their Importance America - Democracy doesn’t work without transparency and accountability. Corruption and grifting is getting worse as the ownership class finds more effective ways to hide it. The theft needs to end.

From MSNBC to NPR, Corporate "Liberal" Media Propaganda Tells the World: America Is First - The American liberal mainstream media represents the country’s corporate interests at home and abroad, pushing claims of American exceptionalism and freedom that are used as a backdrop for invasions and political interference. You can be sure they will continuously frame countries like Russia, China, and Venezuela as the enemy (and I’ve fallen for it) but barely a peep about Saudi Arabia, Israel, or Columbia, or its abhorrent treatment of their own citizens, or the American oligarchs who have a lower effective tax rate than a warehouse worker at Amazon. The proof of the media’s hypocrisy and obsession with conflict and divisiveness is in the pudding.

Citations Needed Podcast - News Brief: CNN Helps Biden Kick Off 'War On Crime 2.0: This Time It's Not Racist, Trust Us' Podcast - It didn’t take long for the reactionary response to the recent minor uptake of crime to come out as part of the cycle to stamp down on political movements like BLM, this time with the help of the formerly-woke liberal media.

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