Shares of the Week: The Diseases of Church and Capitalism Edition

— 2 minute read

This one is a day late since I was on my first "vacation" since this pandemic started with a little trip to Saskatoon. Hope you all are enjoying the summer and taking some time to relax while also considering those who aren't privileged enough to do so

'Where is their soul?': Inside the failed push to make Catholic Church pay for its residential school abuses - Is it any more obvious where the priorities of the Catholic Church is? It is outrageous how normalized this tremendous, ongoing grift is.
Bonus: Catholic Church raised nearly $300M for buildings since promising residential school survivors $25M in 2005

Hidden Crisis: Recovering addict shares story of pain and triumph - This is the story of Paula Ryan's journey with drug addiction.

The climate crisis is a crime that should be prosecuted - If tobacco companies could be held responsible for the immense damage their products had on people and on society, while lying and deceiving the public about it, then the fossil fuel industry, can and must be held accountable for doing the same thing, except in a more permanent way.

Eradicating sexual exploitation in porn should not be at the expense of sex workers - Sexual exploitation is already illegal in Canada. What these puritans who are pushing these restrictive bills really want is to end sex work altogether by making it impractical to operate. We already know, however, that this will only end up harming consenting sex workers even further

Capitalism is on life support. We have a decision to make Canada - Covid has shown that yet again our capitalist society needs a large injection of stimulus to keep it from collapsing when facing a crisis. As usual, most of the benefits went to those that needed it the least, further exacerbating the already-worisome wealth divide. Moderate reform is not going to be enough to stop this madness.

Socialism's Popularity SKYROCKETS - New Poll America YouTube - This is what happens when regular people witness in real time how even during a global crisis, as they suffer, the rich get even richer.

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