Shares of the Week: The Emptiness of Canada Day Edition

— 5 minute read

First, some housekeeping...

You might find this week's Shares of the Week a little different than the ones you have become used to. The most significant change is that there are no comics. My original intent with those was to include some entertaining content to contrast the more serious and in-depth pieces I was sharing. I always thought that satire was one of the best ways to convey a serious topic to make it more palatable and comics can be an effective method to accomplish that.

Another change you will notice is that there is less content in general being shared. Without going into too much detail, the gist of the reason for these changes is that I am trying to better align my actions to my values. The comics, articles, videos, and podcasts I share often came about from my regular browsing of numerous Reddit subreddits I was interested in (i.e. politics, news, science, etc.). I would then curate the most impactful ones for my audience with some added commentary. I have since realized my Reddit habits have become toxic however (i.e. browsing to it as soon as I wake up in the morning) and I have recently decided to end the infinite scrolling that all social media, including Reddit, encourages and do something better with my time. And I am already feeling the positive benefits.

Although I have since quit Reddit, as I already did other social media, I will still be diving into these important topics, but in a more intentional and meaningful way. I know a lot of us find it hard to pay attention to something for a long period of time nowadays, thanks to our current chaotic way of life that presents us with far too many choices of entertainment, but I am no longer going to be a prisoner of this dehumanized, for-profit society and instead be the change I want the world to be.

So, if you want to continue following along the journey of bringing truth to power with quality content, whether it's in written, video, or audio form, I welcome you to stick with me. If you are instead looking for a quick fix, then you might want to stick to those easy sources of dopamine you're used to (though I might still share stuff that might fit that description if I feel it is important enough). Just know that the best things in life are earned with dedication and hard work, and informing oneself and contributing positively to our society is no different. With that, I hope you enjoy today's selection!

Catholic order that staffed Kamloops residential school refuses to share records families seek - If the Catholic Church was any other institution, especially any leftist one, the police would be all over it. Either way, the truth is being covered up and those responsible are justifiably scared shitless.

'Second-class citizenship': Advocates renew calls for federal review of Quebec's Bill 21 in wake of London, Ont. attack - Bill 21 is most definitely racist and xenophobic, yet federal politicians are too scared to upset Quebec and actually fight for the values they claim they have.

Who Saved Alberta’s Mountaintops and Precious Clean Water? Albertans - With the persistence of Albertans willing to take a stand, coupled with a bit of luck which included an incompetent developer, this disastrous project was shelved in a rare win for our ecosystem.

Outrage over developer's plan to buy single-family homes reveals a Canadian fixation - The fact the developer was shocked about the reaction to their profiteering shows just how out of touch the ownership class is with the reality of the working families and younger generations who are seeing their middle class dream of owning a home disappear in an increasingly dehumanized and centralized world.

Grocery Giants Discussed Fixing More Than Bread Prices, Court Files Suggest - Four years ago, it was revealed that companies like Loblaws, Walmart, and Sobeys were fixing the price of the household staple that is bread. To this day, not one person has been charged and little is still known about the case. It turns out, however, that bread is not the only thing that corporations are trying to manipulate the price of, effectively stealing from your wallet to keep their shareholders happy.

The Political Establishment Doesn’t Want You to Know the Economy Is Rigged - “The [Biden] administration’s response to the ProPublica exposé was not, as one might imagine, to seize on the revelations to end this scandalous tax avoidance. Rather, it was to move swiftly to find the culprit who carried out this public service and put them in prison, thereby sending a message to any future whistleblowers.” The American government is by the bought, for the rich.

Krystal and Saagar: Ben Shapiro, Neolibs DEFEND BlackRock For DESTROYING Housing Market YouTube America - Our neighbour is also facing a housing crisis, as is tradition.

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