Shares of the Week - The Fallacy of the Labour Shortage Edition

— 2 minute read

Saskatchewan to spend more than $10 million to battle labour shortfalls - Arthur White-Crummey, Regina Leader-Post (July 13, 2021)
There is no such thing as a labour shortage. Most people want meaning in their life and are willing to work. But not at the the wages businesses are offering. The provincial government could start by raising the minimum wage from the poverty level it is currently at. There needs to be a major income correction for the people hit hardest by rising costs.

Manitoba Conservatives Crash and Burn with Residential School Denialism - Pamela Palmater, The Breach (July 16, 2021)
Conservative politicians just can’t help themselves but to continually be on the wrong side of history. It’s pure bullheadedness and cowardice.

End the War on Whistleblowers - Zena Wold, The New Republic (July 5, 2021)
America is not so as much about liberty and justice as it is about protecting the rich and their plundering of wealth at home and abroad. From Edward Snowden, to Chelsea Manning, to Reality Winner, to Julian Assange, to Natalie Mayflower Edwards Sour, and now an actual journalist outlet, America won’t stop at protecting power and punishing the actual patriots who seek to expose those who threaten liberty and justice.

Leave the Billionaires in Space - Paris Marx, Jacobin (July 13, 2021)
Wouldn’t it be nice if these billionaires meaningfully helped save our own planet before they leave the majority of us behind as we burn? Besides, a communist country that was mostly agrarian 30 years prior, sent man to space in 1961, so this isn’t even anything new. It is nothing but a publicly-subsidized dick-measuring contest to distract us from the worsening effects of climate change and late-stage capitalism.

Krystal and Saagar: DEBUNKING Inflation Myths - Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti - Breaking Points (YouTube) (July 15, 2021)
Increased government spending during the pandemic has prevented countries from collapsing in the face of another global crisis. The typical inflation hawks are out there sounding the alarm and as usual their concerns are based on little to no evidence. The problem we are facing with housing, appliances, meat, and other consumer goods is a supply issue, not a monetary policy issue.

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