Shares of the Week: The Sensitive Boomer Edition

— 3 minute read

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Credit: decentguyhumor

Baby boomers are more sensitive than millennials, according to the largest-ever study on narcissism - Turns out the Boomers were just projecting their own entitlement and lack of self-esteem onto the generation they left with a destroyed public infrastructure, crushing debt, and an overheating climate. Big surprise!

Number of pot shops in Sask. grows with limits on stores lifted - Recreation cannabis is booming in Saskatchewan and despite still-draconian laws that include the banning of most forms of marketing, it’s being largely driven by independent retailers attempting to stake their place before corporate players can come in and commodify the plant like they did with beer.

Police report 71 overdoses and 7 deaths in May; worst month in 2021 Saskatoon - Well, the first problem is that the police is still leading the discussion of what is a social and economic problem at it's roots and a health issue on the surface. Until we stop treating drug use as a criminal matter and supply issue (“we’re very concerned by the amount of drugs on the street”), these stories are going to continue, as we lose more and more of our loved ones.

Residential schools are not a footnote in Canada’s history. They are its past and present - These are part of the ongoing consequences of the powerful institutions that continue to operate unimpeded in this country. If we want to be proud of Canada, we must find meaningful justice for the survivors and those that are no longer with us.

Two years ago, Ottawa aimed to lower the high price of wireless and internet. Not any more - The Liberal's usual strategy is to campaign to the left and govern on the right. The NDP are so weak right now that the Liberals can do this even in a minority government situation. Because of this sad state of politics, Canadians have been let down yet again with another failed Liberal election promise. Nothing will get better for Canadians facing higher and higher bills for shit mobile and internet service until our telecom infrastructure is finally treated like the natural monopoly it is and is regulated like other utilities such as power, energy, and water are.

Social Anxiety Forces Tennis Star Naomi Osaka Out Of Tournament YouTube - David Doel exposes just how disgusting professional sports and the mainstream media can be in their attempt to exploit athletes who just want to play their sport. As someone who suffers from social anxiety myself, along with Doel, it truly is sad that we are still not treating mental illness seriously in our profit-driven society.

Canada’s Housing Market Is Out of Control - The problem is clearly the increased commodification of housing. Housing is a right and renters shouldn’t be getting caught up in this game of landlordism which rarely ends well.

Calm Down, Mass Inflation Is Not Around the Corner - Talks of inflation are floating around but it is likely just another excuse to slow down spending and kill wage growth.

Defending our 2000 year old yellow cedars slated to be felled by chainsaw in B.C.
Credit: Reddit
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