The secret deal the Sask Party made with a Chinese-owned mall

— 2 minute read

Details of province's secret agreement with Brightenview emerge as dispute about megamall boils over

The above is a story that every person with an interest in Saskatchewan should read. It paints a picture of a desperate government, so hell-bent on economic growth that it was willing to author literal secret, backroom deals to try and make it happen but then quickly reverses course, turning their backs on their “partners” when their games started to be revealed to the public.

Geoff Leo at the CBC News continues his investigations into the Global Transportation Hub in Regina by telling the story of the partner that was promised everything from the Saskatchewan government, and who is now revealing a secretive and lucrative deal made between the government and the Chinese would-be immigrants the partner represents.

This is an in-depth look into an ongoing series of shady and corrupt activities by a government that has clearly become comfortable with their position thanks to their strong, rural support. One must really think, after reading even this one story, if re-electing these people, allowing them to avoid accountability for their actions, is the best way to move this province in a positive, forward direction. One must also ponder the convenient fact some of the main actors in this story, including Bill Boyd and former-premier Brad Wall, have since “retired” from politics before the full picture could be revealed.

Finally, one has to remember that Saskatchewan has a government that, when they repealed the film tax credit early in their reign, claimed that “picking winners and losers” was not their job. Well, it is clear they have been doing it behind closed doors all along. And it is clear that in the upcoming election, picking the Sask Party would make losers of all of us.

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