Time to wake up, Alberta

— 2 minute read

Yet another alarming report has come out about the damage that fossil fuels are doing to our climate and this time it’s coming from the province that emits some of the highest GHGs per capita in the world.

This is from the article above about the report released today by the Alberta government, referring to how the province’s choices today will affect its future:

“If we wait until we see those impacts, it's going to be too late to make the choice,” she said. “Just like if we are being loaded onto the ambulance, being taken to the hospital for a heart attack, it's too late to say, ‘oh, I'll join a gym and I'll eat healthy.’ We have to make those decisions earlier in the same way.”

When are the people in charge in Alberta (and Saskatchewan, for the matter) going to wake up and realize that it’s absolutely necessary for us to slow and even stop the growth of the fossil fuel industry and start lowering our carbon emissions? It’s time to stop the idiotic fight about what is warming our planet and start using our brains to do something about it. Trying to stop carbon pricing and trying to build more oil sands projects and pipelines so corporations can keep profiting from damaging the planet is not how we make things better for our future generations. Its time to wake up.

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