What's Driving Dillon

— 3 minute read

I often get push-back on commentary I post online, particularly on LinkedIn. I am only human and am capable of mistakes but I am mostly unapologetic in my sometimes-controversial approach to tackling difficult subjects. In an effort to shed some light on what drives me to do this, I have decided to provide a list of my motivations below:

  1. I do not believe anything is too taboo to discuss in a public forum. Taboos and political correctness are tools of all levels of authoritarian rule (from over-protective parents to fascist governments). We live in a country where freedom of expression and freedom of the press were hard-fought fundamental rights and political correctness only serves to weaken these rights. The only way we can make any positive progress as a society is by speaking truthfully and honestly with each other. Real change can only be accomplished by being uncomfortable and going places we never would have thought of going before.
  2. In the era of rising economic inequality and consolidating corporate power, we must start expecting more out of all businesses to put human rights and the environment above shareholder profits. Climate change is real and already having a profound impact on societies. Automation and globalization is occurring at exponential rates. Liberal democracies are being threatened by far-right governments across the West. Business must choose whether they are on the side of the people and our future, or of short-term profits and greed.
  3. In the war of information, whoever has the most impactful headlines win. This isn't to say that we should let sensationalism win by skimping out on the details. The truth has to fight against the power of the corporate and political establishment and of entire countries in Russia, Saudi Arabia and China, who all have paid trolls and influencers spreading their propaganda around the internet, at our universities, and in the traditional media. Being quiet, polite and passive is not the answer. Being passionate, forthright and determined is.
  4. China, a country that has an abhorrent human rights and environmental record, currently has millions of minorities in concentration camps, spies on and applies a social credit score to its citizens, jails journalists and political dissidents, steals intellectual property and floods our communities with opioids, is growing its influence around the world and is about to overtake the United States as the world's top economy. There isn't a more powerful bully, both socially and economically, than China right now. Bullies serve only themselves and I will not stop until they are exposed and eradicated.
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