Why Billionaire Philanthropy Won't Solve Anything

— 2 minute read

We are told that in the absence of effective public funding of social and economic programs, that the wealthy would step up and fill the gaps with their new found riches given to them by generous tax cuts in recent decades.

Why anyone with even the smallest amount of critical thinking ability would buy this kind of thinking is beyond me but I personally still have underprivileged family members and friends fawning over billionaires and cheering on such policies (probably because they mistakenly think that they too could be rich one day if they go along with it).

If you are part of the many that still believe these lies, but you actually do care about our society's most vulnerable people (and could accept that you too might be part of that group, or used to be part of that group like I was), I invite you to watch this short video that explains why billionaire philanthropy won't solve anything.

And if you don't care about the most vulnerable in your community, and do not think we have a collective responsibility for them, or perhaps think you're special and will be the one exception to the rule, well I wish nothing but the worse for you, and hope you spend the rest of your life walking barefoot on a floor of sparsely-spread Lego.

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